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公司简介  / ABOUT US


Samsino (Beijing) Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd was transformed by the research institute, for the sake of running through the socialized reform policy of investment enterprises by Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). Moreover, in October 2009, Samsino (Beijing) Automation Engineering Technology Co., Ltd? was registered and founded.


  • 技术团队 Technical Team


Based on fundamental and prospective working advantages in the CAS and technical experience in developing large-scale projects, a R&D team is composed of some researchers, senior engineers, PhDs and masters in CAS, so as to develop, modify and introduce various advanced technologies, make it change into realistic productivity and apply it in each industry.


  • 质量控制Quality Control


According to the quality management system in project operation, our company assumes all responsibilities for all product quality provided for Party A as the contract. In addition, our company strictly executes ISO9001 quality system procedures, controls product quality and services from technical design, construction design, component purchasing and inspection to product processing and inspection, factory testing, and field debugging, ensures high-quality products conforming to industrial standards, and enables product performance to meet or exceed requirements of the contract and technical agreement.


  • 设计方案Design Scheme


System schemes and technical principles are the key to ensure the entire project design quality. We will strictly execute the design control procedures in ISO9001 quality system and abide by the following design control procedures: design specification—design specification review—scheme and technical design—technical design review—construction drawing design-construction drawing review—drawing countersign—base map storage


We will convoke the technical contact meeting with users and designing institute in time, accurately master unit design information, and enable the project design have advancement, reliability, practicability and economy.


  • 售后服务 After-sales Services


For many years, our company provides product services for thermal power plants around the country, has accumulated abundant design, manufacturing and field debugging experience, establishes the perfect after-sales service system for the system, and strictly executes service procedures, so as to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system.


Hotline enables us to seriously record user services and feed back to the service implementation department through service task list. For the projects, we can make a response within 30min and dispatch experienced engineering technicians to the spot within 48h. For special situations, we can arrive in the spot within 24h.





工商信息Business information
经营状态 存续 天眼评分


注册资本 3536.69万人民币 人员规模 50-99人
实缴资本 559.425万人民币 工商注册号 110108012328845 组织机构代码 69637962-8
统一社会信用代码 91110108696379628Y 纳税人识别号 91110108696379628Y 营业期限
企业类型 其他有限责任公司 行业 专业技术服务业 核准日期
参保人数 91 登记机关 北京市昌平区市场监督管理局
曾用名 英文别称 Zhongke aerospace (Beijing) automation engineering technology co., LTD
注册地址 北京市昌平区回龙观镇龙域中街1号院1号楼1单元902
经营范围 许可项目:建设工程设计;建设工程施工;建筑智能化系统设计。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;软件开发;软件销售;软件外包服务;人工智能应用软件开发;人工智能行业应用系统集成服务;工业机器人制造;信息技术咨询服务;5G通信技术服务;计算机系统服务;计算机软硬件及辅助设备批发;数据处理服务;物联网技术服务;信息系统运行维护服务;电子产品销售;通讯设备销售;家具销售;化工产品销售(不含许可类化工产品);金属矿石销售;非金属矿及制品销售;建筑材料销售;机械设备销售;五金产品批发;货物进出口。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)(不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)
股东信息Shareholder information
序号 股东(发起人) 持股比例 认缴出资额 认缴出资日期
35% 1237.84万人民币 2023-12-13
33.5% 1184.79115万人民币 2011-10-10
14.1375% 500万人民币 2029-08-30
8.9125% 315.20885万人民币 2026-12-30
8.45% 298.85万人民币 2022-01-30
专利信息Patent Information
序号 申请日 专利名称 专利类型 申请号 公开(公布)号 公开(公告)日
1 2023-10-24 激光扫描仪用平衡装置 发明专利 CN202311387678.5 CN117386976A 2024-01-12
2 2023-08-24 基于马道安装盘煤仪的云台旋转安装机构 发明专利 CN202311074630.9 CN116951280A 2023-10-27
3 2023-04-28 捞渣机渣量数据采集系统 发明专利 CN202310483127.2 CN116481608A 2023-07-25
4 2022-11-14 门式卸船机的抓斗防摇控制方法和装置 发明专利 CN202211421832.1 CN115709914A 2023-08-18
5 2022-05-19 一种用于大型设备自动控制系统数据测量传感器连接装置 发明专利 CN202210555168.3 CN114776998A 2022-07-22
6 2021-09-02 基于红外图像的圆形煤场温度监测方法、系统及存储介质 发明专利 CN202111027266.1 CN115760671A 2023-03-07
7 2021-06-22 一种多功能轨道盘料仪 发明专利 CN202110693584.5 CN113466129A 2022-03-11
8 2021-01-25 一种用于火力发电厂安全型投煤机 发明专利 CN202110095549.3 CN112879941A 2023-07-28
9 2020-06-30 一种散货输料传送带状态监测方法 发明专利 CN202010623239.X CN111908061A 2022-06-14
10 2017-08-08 一种自行走的智能堆体测量系统 发明专利 CN201710671860.1 CN107402052A 2017-11-28




资质证书qualification certificate
证书图片 名称 发证机构 生效日期 截止日期  
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